- Pre-installation
- Database Restoration
- Site Setup
- Finished
Almost there!
Close this window to return to Kickstart. Click the Clean Up button to start using your restored site.
Close this window to return to the restoration page. Click the Clean Up button to start using your restored site.
Click the following button to remove the restoration script and start using your site.
An error occurred
We could not remove your installation directory automatically. Please close this message box by clicking the × button on its top right corner. Then proceed to remove the installation
directory manually, as per the last bullet point of the instructions found on this page.
Ready to start using your site!
The installation
directory has been removed and your site is ready for use. Please note that, as we mentioned earlier, due to server configuration differences you may have some issues working with your site. If this happens please consult the following URL:https://www.akeeba.com/documentation/troubleshooter/prbasicts.html
Tip: Bookmark that URL for your future reference.
Now click the button below to visit your site's front-end.